Are terminally ill OR World War II veterans given any special priority?
YES! Such veterans go to the top of the list for the next flight departing to Washington D.C. Not only are World War II veterans given this top priority, but any terminally ill veteran from any conflict, who has never been able to visit their memorial, is given the same priority. Please call us for more information.
What if the veteran is in a wheelchair or on oxygen?
- WHEELCHAIRS — Talons Out Honor Flight provides all of the wheelchairs you may need during the trip, therefore we ask that you NOT bring your own. If you must bring your own wheelchair, it will be stored at the airport and returned to you at the end of the day. Our coach buses are also equipped with wheelchair lifts if needed.
- OXYGEN — If the veteran requires oxygen, a prescription for the oxygen must be provided by the veteran’s healthcare provider, identifying the delivery method (mask or nasal cannula), frequency (as needed or continuously), and the rate of delivery (usually 2-3 liters per minute). The veteran’s family must secure a FAA-approved oxygen concentrator for use on the plane. Your normal oxygen supplier will have these for rent. We will provide oxygen cylinders to be used at the memorials. Veterans on oxygen are required to have oxygen cylinders available from their home to the departure airport and also on the return from their local airport back to their homes. No oxygen cylinders are permitted to be used on the aircraft. If the veteran requires oxygen during the trip, please call us to discuss arrangements.
How are you funded?
Our funding comes primarily from individuals across Southern Michigan who recognize the great accomplishments and sacrifices of veterans and want them to see their memorial before it’s too late.
Can I make a donation to Talons Out Honor Flight?
Talons Out Honor Flight gratefully accepts donations from anyone EXCEPT eligible veterans. We feel that our eligible veterans have given enough. This is our way of saying “Thank You!” Click here to make an online donation to the Southwest Michigan Talons Out Honor Flight Chapter.
What does the guardian fee include?
Guardians fees cover the cost of airfare to and from Washington, DC., flight apparel, Meet & Greet dinner, and meals throughout the day. Refreshments are also served at the airport before the morning flight.
How much does it cost? How much money do I need to bring?
The cost is FREE for World War II, Korean War, Vietnam Era and terminally ill veterans. You do not need to bring any money, unless you intend to purchase souvenirs. For guardians, the cost is $600.
How do you decide which veterans get to go?
,Veterans are flown on a “first-apply, first-fly basis.” Within the applicants, top priority is currently given to World War II, Korean War, Vietnam Era veterans and all other war time veterans with a terminal illness. Our mission will shift to veterans of other armed conflicts as funding permits.
Can my son, daughter, grandson, etc. go as a guardian?
Yes, but the family member must have submitted their guardian application at the same time that the veteran application was submitted. The family member guardian also must be physically capable of handling the duties of a Honor Flight guardian. Our TOP priority is the safe travel of ALL the veterans. Generally speaking, our ratio is one veteran per guardian. Guardians may be responsible for some lifting, pushing wheelchairs, handing out meals and water, and administering medication. To download a guardian application, click on “Applications” then “Guardian”
I am the widow of a World War II veteran. Can I go?
Sadly, the answer is “no”. Again, we simply do not have the resources, funding, or seating available to transport all the veterans who are presently on our waiting list. Adding spouses and widows simply isn’t an option for our program at this time.
Can my Spouse go with me?
No. At the present time, we have a significant backlog of veterans on our waiting list, and we must focus our energies on getting each of them an opportunity to visit the memorial, The only spouses who are permitted to go are those who are eligible veterans themselves.